
Hard Drive Degaussing Services

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permanently destroying data stored on hard drives

Hard Drive Degaussing

Hard drive degaussing is the process of permanently destroying data stored on hard drives or other magnetic media such as audio and backup tapes. Degaussing, a common method of data destruction, is a guaranteed method of hard drive destruction.

What is Removed by Hard Disk Degaussing?

Hard drive degaussing destroys all the data stored on hard disc drives. This method is also applicable to any data storage devices that are magnetic-based storage devices, these are hard drives, floppy disks, magnetic tape, etc.

To degauss the data, all you need to do is expose them to degaussing’s powerful magnets, and boom, all data or information on that disk will be gone forever.

It is important to know that some storage devices are immune to degaussing as they don’t rely on magnets to store their data. Such devices are SD cards, thumb drives, and more.

Degaussing a drive: how long does it take?

Hard drive degaussing can take 5-15 seconds, depending on your degausser.eScrap Canada offers one of the most potent degaussers, which can efficiently destroy a drive’s data in less than 5 seconds rendering the data irrecoverable.

Removed by Hard Disk Degaussing
Hard Disk reusable after the degaussing service

Is a Hard Disk reusable after the degaussing service is complete?

No, it is not possible to reuse the hard drive after degaussing, you need to recycle it. Unfortunately, it is impossible to resume general use because degaussing removes all the data, including the startup files. So, a degaussed hard drive will not boot up.

Moreover, degaussed hard drives are the best candidates for e-waste recycling. The valuable components can be removed and used again with unrecognized data. In addition, it secures data from corruption or theft and reduces the risk of harming the environment.

Benefits of Using Hard Drive Degaussing

So, let’s dive into the benefits:

Is Hard Drive Degaussing the Right Service for me?

eScrap Canada has been providing eco-friendly services since 2019. Suppose a hard drive degausser is not a good fit. We provide professional ITAD services that are eco-friendly, including physical crushing of drives, other Secure Data Destruction methods, Data Center Decommissioning, E-waste recycling, and more – based on your individual requirements.

eScrap Canada is happy to share our zero-landfill policy for all items that can be recycled, which reflects our commitment to environmental conservation as one of our fundamental values. We manage IT and electronic assets in a safe, sustainable, and ethical way to reduce regulatory risks and maximize the resale value of reusable assets.All you need to do is give us a call or send us a message using our contact us form; we will let you know if the degaussing method is the right solution for you. We are at your service.

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